VACATION - Enjoy Your Time

Liberty? Liberty is a strange thing for student these days. Students aren't having liberty to enjoy themselves. Students are always told just to educate themselves. Yes, education is important factor in life but at the same time, they should have been given sometime for themselves. Yeah the time in which they can do their own free time activity which they like. The time in which no one force them to do anything. Let them enjoy their life. Let them enjoy their own activity.
For this thing to happen, parents must have to keep their child away from electronic gadgets like mobile phone,T.V and laptop games which have actually taken the street fun memories of the children of this generation. The generation which born around 2005 never know what pleasure and passion we can get just by playing any street sports. So Students have to stay away from the mobile and laptop games to get the real joy of life.
Vacation one of the most beautiful time to spare during childhood days. Present generation students forgetting the importance of vacation. Especially 10th std students are having no important of vacation in their life. School get reopen before the schedule time. Formerly, 10th children used to get full 3 months vacation where they used to enjoy themselves, play games on street till late night and used to be with friends without concerning or worrying about the time. That's where one can find the life and live the life in your own terms. But now the situation and scenario completely changed. No more vacation, no more jolly moments. In such circumstances, how our children can identify their passion?
In order to find a passion, one need to go through many task, one need to perform and participate in order to find your passion. Passion is one such thing that individual needs to identify, need to introspect and so one need to carry out many activities.
Student these days are rushing behind one another like a sheep and forgetting the value and importance of their own life. None of students think practically about their life. They just want to score good than other and eventually losing the self importance that one need to have in life. You cannot be a master if you start your eleventh right from the april. Formerly, people always start the upcoming academic years from June onwards and even though they become great engineers and doctors and scientist.
So students must need to understand the importance of their own life, circumstances of their parents, identify the passion of their own, enjoy their own liberty and must play at least one sport in life to be mentally tough. Students must enjoy their full vacation without any burden of studies and live and cherish the moments of life that will never gonna come back. Think practical life, live magical life.
You can carry out these activity during your vacation period.
1. Read two or three good books
2. Learn musical instrument, dance, drawing or any other activity that you are interested in.
3. Don't waste time unnecessarily sitting with friends.
4. Play sports with friends.
5. Play Sports in the morning.
6. Spend time with your Family.
Labels: Self Development