It's the story of a boy who is quite disciplined though not much punctual in his life. A boy who is fond of learning new things, fond of studies and having a mindset to win all the time. A boy who never think to harm anyone and use to keep people happy in his surrounding. A boy who just keep himself busy with his own self. He always use to be in jolly mood irrespective of the circumstances he is facing. He just use to stay calm and positive all the time.
He was in Government school during his class 8th, 9th and 10th. It was the time when he was in class 9th. Back in March, 2011 when the Board Exams Results were declared, one of his senior mate scored 100/100 in mathematics. When his senior came to the school to collect his result. Everyone just gathered around him and prasied him with all the dignity he deserved that day. Actually it seems like that day belong to him. It was like to be a King for a day. That boy was standing quietly at a distance from the crowd in a school campus watching and admiring all the scenes he was witnessing at that moment. He too went to his friend, congratulated him for his grand success. But on that day something was there, which made that boy thoughtful. It forced him to contemplate about his own life. That boy started dreaming. He thought that if marks can give you success, dignity and respect in the society, then why I shouldn't try for it next year? He just took that incident in heart and started to dream about the trophy. That's were his chase begins...
Next year he was his 10th. He also wants to be a king for a day. He also wants to earn the respect and dignity among the people. So if you want to achieve something in life, then the fundamental step is to dream about it. You need to give yourself a belief that you can. He also set his aim. He wanted to be a topper of the school. He also wanted to score 100/100 in maths in class 10.
He never stood 1st in any exam in the school since last 2 years. That means he never had the first rank in 8th as well as in 9th class. He was way behind the first ranker. As he was there in Government School, there's no point to go to Grand Coaching Centres to practice and learn. He belong to the middle class family who's family was going through one of the toughest phase of there life. So in such circumstances. He cannot even think to opt for the grand coaching.
It's like God is always there around you. You just need to believe in God and he will surely gonna help you when you feel that you are trapped. Yes something like that happened with that boy. His school's Math teacher asked him to join his coaching class with discounted fees. At first he hesitated to agree. But later on with few supporting words from his Sir made him believe that it's a good opportunity in life to fly to get the successful result. That boy was good in studies. He use to score around 85% during his educational journey. But to be a topper, 85% wasn't enough. Anything around 90% will gonna help him to be at the top he knew. But at the end, result is all about how much efforts you put in and how much hardwork you are doing to be exceptional. Nothing comes for free. Result will only follow, if you are ready and willing to work hard.

His Sir made him learn all the 5 subjects for the board exams. He use to be there with his Sir throughout the year. He use to spend sometime with sir even after the lecture gets over. His Sir became a role model for him. Even today, he believes that his Sir is like a God for him. He kept working hard and going through all the tough times. He kept on practicing and kept on learning Science and Maths by heart. The magic of his Sir made him to fall in love with the subjects. The most important thing that he learned from his Sir is that, marks isn't every thing that you need to score. Yes marks will give you the success, but at the same time it is important to be a Good, Kind and Honest human being. The moral vales that he learned from his Sir is just beyond the knowledge of all books.
Time flew and finally his result of class 10th declared. The result was as follow...

The first name on notice board flashed
Rank 1 :- KEVAL KARIA 89.40%
At the end all his hardwork paid off. He stood first in the school for the very first time in his life and that too in the board exams directly. He believed, and he did at the end. Trophy belongs to him. He determined to score 90% in class 10th along with 100/100 in maths exam. But his result was 89.4% and he scored 99 and not 100 in maths exam. He was just short 0.6% from his target of 90% and he was only 1 mark short from scoring 100/100 in math exam. He was aware about his maths score just after returning from the exam on the day of his maths examination as he knew that he had made a blunder in the exam. So he was confident enough to score 99 in maths and the result showed the same after two and half months from the exam day.

He was bit disappointed with that 89.4% as he wanted 90%. But joy of being topper of the school and to be a subject topper in 4 out of 5 subjects was nothing less than getting a gold for a Government school boy.

The same kind of reception he got in the school as he dreamed to get last year. He also felt like a king for a day. His juniors congratulated him, his teachers praised him with the words full of blessings. His hardworking attitude and self belief gifted him that day. When you work hard, you deserve to cherish and celebrate such days in life. He didn't just left his school with the grand results. He was remembered for his never to give up attitude, involvement in the school co curriculum activities, his hardworking attitude, his discipline, his honesty and many such things.
He ended up having a trophy in his hand. The school had the rules that only one student will be invited to the annual function to collect the Trophy along with his parents and siblings. And that student obviously will be the topper of the school. So at last he was invited to the annual function along with his parents. That moment was still fresh like a daisy at present. He realized on that day, that best moment in once life is to make their parents feel proud.

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