Sunday, March 8, 2020


Many things happening around us everyday. We are the witness of many positive and negative things that happening around us. In routine life, some of our wishes get fulfilled while some remains incomplete. We always had a bitter sweet experience everyday in our life. We just contemplate about all the things happened to us in the past. Either we are happy or sad, either we are motivated or frustrated. There are few things that everyone needs to adapt and follow in their life to have a life full of optimistic approaches.

One should be like a LAMP. Yes! Lamp burns itself and gives light to others. Lamp teaches us, "Give something to others or dedicate something to others." That quality one needs to develop in their own life.

We all human beings are very greedy creature of the planet. Human being always had a thought of gaining something. Human beings never focus on the thought of giving. We always do those things which are profitable for us. The first thought that comes in our mind before doing any task is that how much profit I would get in return. We never think about how it will gonna be fruitful for us, we never think about that how much helpful it would be for others. We just focus on ourselves.  If we find that theirs nothing profitable thing in that particular task, we give up on it and move on.

By having a thought of getting something, a person may get success in his life. He may get all the materiasiatic things in his life for which he is aiming for. His life may filled with light. But those prosperity is only for the show off. It's fake smile that he wore everyday. Deep inside he is still an unsatisfied human being. There's disruption in his heart, there's unhappiness in his heart. He always get surrounded by many kinds of fear. We are always surrounded by many fears in our life. Fear of failure, Fear of losing dignity, Fear of not completing our dreams, and many such kind of thought always distract us and so we are not able to focus on the things we are doing.

The basic reason behind all this fears, distraction and unhappiness is EXPECTATIONS. We hold on to our Expectations. We always want our expectations to be satisfied at any cost. And that's were, we always make a mistake. We always have to be prepared with the second option. And in that case, you won't find yourself much frustrated if the result doesn't meet your expectations.

More the thought of getting, more the unhappiness you'll have in your life. In contrast, more the thought of giving, more the peace you'll have in your life. By following the thought of giving, one enlighten his own life and others too.

There was a great businessman. He was very smart regarding all his deals in his business. Once many years back, he had prepared a list of 15-20 things that he wanted to achieve in his life which would yeild him happiness. He thought that after fulfilling all his wishes, he would get the peace in his life. After preparing that list he started working hard on his business and one after another. He tick mark the check boxes against the thing he fulfills. Likewise at the end he accomplished all the things that he had noted down in his list.

He was very satisfied on day one. But later on he realized that still there's something missing. He was still feeling incomplete. He checked out his list again and found that each and every thing he wanted to achieve in his life are accomplished.

Later on he analyzed himself and found that all the wishes of which he had prepared a list is for himself. In each and every wishes, his personal profit are kept at the centre. He prepared thd list of all his wishes to satisfy his own instinct. He never cared about others. So at the end, he satisfied his own instinct but still haven't found that peace of mind he is aiming for. He realized that thing and from the very next moment, he changed the concept of his life.

He started working for others, he started giving priority to others. He started working on his business one more time, but this time the concept was different. Formerly he thought that how can I earn maximum amountof profit? Now he thought that how can I provide maximum employment to many people? How can I satisfy the daily needs of maximum amount of people.

By developing the thought of giving. He achieved all the things that he was achieving while having thought of getting. But here the extra thing he was getting is the PEACE OF MIND. He started feeling satisfied, he started feeling positive towards his life.

So one should always work with the thought of giving rather than getting. By doing so, if all the people started thinking in that way, one can surely attain a peaceful and productive society.

Thanks a lot...
- Keval Karia

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