1st September 1939, on that day second world war begun along with the longest lockdown in the history. In the beginning, Germany (Nazi-Hitler) attacked on Poland. Britain and France supported Poland during the war. In that war around 5 crore people of Britain, German and France died. Here we are not talking about the war but let's discuss few things regarding that lockdown.
Let us compare the life style during that lockdown which lasted for 6 years (2200 days) with the lockdown we are having at the moment. We might feel very much fortunate if we analyze the circumstances during those days. People who were born in last 70 years, 3 generations after the independence of India had witnessed the 1947, 1965, 1971 and 1999 India-Pakistan war. Time duration of these wars were around 15 days to 3 months. During that time, the impact of war was only up to few specific regions. Life was normal in almost 90% of the region during those time. With all the facilities available, those 3 generations practically never had any kind of problems during that phase. If we compare the social, cultural and economic problems of World War-II (1/09/1939 to 2/09/1945) with the present day lockdown situation, then we'll realize that we are not facing 1% problems during this phase. So let's see the Life of Britain and German during that lockdown.
*Evening during World War-II*
After 6:00 PM, there was complete darkness in most of the part of these countries. People were always afraid of any aerial attack. People were always afraid of Gas attack by the other country which can kill lakhs of people due to respiratory problem, and that too was officially declared by the government to stay aware and stay safe. So after 6:00 PM, people be at home wearing the Gas mask all the time(Yes, you read it correct. They wore even inside the house too). During that time, people were even restricted in using any kind of light or to light up a lantern.
*Aerial or Gas attack*
People always stood alert for the siren. If the siren hoots, then people would run towards safe and secure pre decided places like Schools, Museum, church, Tube stations or bunkers. People need to stay there for hours or days to stay safe. Even if any aerial or gas attack happened, these places are considered to be the safest so people stay there inside. There's no specific arrangements for food or water. People compromised a lot during that phase.
*Reciprocity of Information*
During that time, information shared by Radio, weekly old news papers, etc. As compared to present day situation, during the lockdown there was no Television, Social media or the most easiest mobile phone facilities were not available. We can't even spare a single moment without these 3 things at present. It's just unimaginable. Can you imagine how they had spent their 2200 days of lockdown???
*Responsiblities of Male*
Male of age group 17 to 60 years compulsory had to join the Army to serve their nation. When they left the home to fight for the country, after that no one knows where they went? When will they come back? Alive or Dead? No one can answer these questions. Specific army personnel can only communicate with their familes through letters.
*Availability of Ration*
There's always deficiency of Ration during that phase. Woman need to walk miles to give service at Relief camp or at hospital for hours and in return they get food resources like fruits, eggs or Cereals. After that, mother can feed their child. People use to grow vegetables in the nearby places of their house. Except getting food resources, the other advantage to provide service at Relief camp was that people felt good as they are serving the nation indirectly and possibly can get any news of their husband if the luck favours.
Only around 10% of students were fortunate to get the education. Most of schools were converted into the Relief care centre or Hospital. War armaments were kept in few schools. In few schools, they use to call students to school just for 2-3 days in a month and allot them homework for the entire month. The schools having basement can only operate during those days.
*Teenage girls*
The most tragic circumstances were faced by teenage girls. Mother of those teenage girls herself cut her daughter's hairs and make her look ugly. They don't allow teenage girls to bath. They let her be like that until she started smelling too bad so that no one wishes to go near to her. Mothers did this just to protect her daughter as mothers always being afraid of any enemy army person, that they might caught her daughter and take her away. So to protect their daughter from those cruel enemies, mothers have to be cruel on their daughters.
*Destroyed Cultural Life*
Around 40-50% familes were destroyed during that time. In majority of family, one or two people died either in war or due to disease or they are lost. Very rare childs had the love of both mother and father. Children during that time have never witnessed a complete family and had the love from all just like we are having or we had in our life.
*Activities by Teenage*
Teenage used to read comics book a lot during that time. People use to watch Charlie Chaplin movies during that time. Children use to spare time in farming and weaving activities at home. Children of fortunate familes enjoyed with Music, Drawing or Badminton. In many British childrens, Cricket was a popular sport. Children of age group 13 to 17 years had to register their name to serve the nation. Distribution of clothes, food and shoes is done by the teenagers. Production of new clothes and shoes were completely shutted down during that time.
*Reading, writing and library*
The only common thing between two countries was -Library. Though children couldn't study but they used to visit library during the free time. The remote villages of the cpuntry was used either as hospital or as a place to strengthen their arms and ammunitions. People gathered in big numbers to listen to news on radio which came four times throughout the day. Mostly news were regarding the war. If the news sounded positive for their country, people gathered in streets and danced out of joy.
*New Parents*
This is the most painful aspect of the World War II. When the war ended, 30% of the people became homeless. For days after the war ended, orphan children and old age people could be seen in distant villages. Children had to live with new parents, brother-sister separated. Neither of the sibling would be knowing to whom his sibling has been given. Imagine spending six years together during the toughest times of life and then you depart when the time was just about to get good. A child 12 years old is told to spend rest of his life with this new parents. How he would be from within. Shattered! There were some organization who worked in helping these people find their siblings and parents. The trend of such meetings were found to be in existence till the end of 20th century. Since then computer took over the world and internet helped them in meeting their blood relatives again even after 50 years.
*Evening during World War-II*
After 6:00 PM, there was complete darkness in most of the part of these countries. People were always afraid of any aerial attack. People were always afraid of Gas attack by the other country which can kill lakhs of people due to respiratory problem, and that too was officially declared by the government to stay aware and stay safe. So after 6:00 PM, people be at home wearing the Gas mask all the time(Yes, you read it correct. They wore even inside the house too). During that time, people were even restricted in using any kind of light or to light up a lantern.*Aerial or Gas attack*
People always stood alert for the siren. If the siren hoots, then people would run towards safe and secure pre decided places like Schools, Museum, church, Tube stations or bunkers. People need to stay there for hours or days to stay safe. Even if any aerial or gas attack happened, these places are considered to be the safest so people stay there inside. There's no specific arrangements for food or water. People compromised a lot during that phase.*Reciprocity of Information*
During that time, information shared by Radio, weekly old news papers, etc. As compared to present day situation, during the lockdown there was no Television, Social media or the most easiest mobile phone facilities were not available. We can't even spare a single moment without these 3 things at present. It's just unimaginable. Can you imagine how they had spent their 2200 days of lockdown???*Responsiblities of Male*
Male of age group 17 to 60 years compulsory had to join the Army to serve their nation. When they left the home to fight for the country, after that no one knows where they went? When will they come back? Alive or Dead? No one can answer these questions. Specific army personnel can only communicate with their familes through letters.*Availability of Ration*
There's always deficiency of Ration during that phase. Woman need to walk miles to give service at Relief camp or at hospital for hours and in return they get food resources like fruits, eggs or Cereals. After that, mother can feed their child. People use to grow vegetables in the nearby places of their house. Except getting food resources, the other advantage to provide service at Relief camp was that people felt good as they are serving the nation indirectly and possibly can get any news of their husband if the luck favours.*Education*
Only around 10% of students were fortunate to get the education. Most of schools were converted into the Relief care centre or Hospital. War armaments were kept in few schools. In few schools, they use to call students to school just for 2-3 days in a month and allot them homework for the entire month. The schools having basement can only operate during those days.*Teenage girls*
The most tragic circumstances were faced by teenage girls. Mother of those teenage girls herself cut her daughter's hairs and make her look ugly. They don't allow teenage girls to bath. They let her be like that until she started smelling too bad so that no one wishes to go near to her. Mothers did this just to protect her daughter as mothers always being afraid of any enemy army person, that they might caught her daughter and take her away. So to protect their daughter from those cruel enemies, mothers have to be cruel on their daughters.*Destroyed Cultural Life*
Around 40-50% familes were destroyed during that time. In majority of family, one or two people died either in war or due to disease or they are lost. Very rare childs had the love of both mother and father. Children during that time have never witnessed a complete family and had the love from all just like we are having or we had in our life.*Activities by Teenage*
Teenage used to read comics book a lot during that time. People use to watch Charlie Chaplin movies during that time. Children use to spare time in farming and weaving activities at home. Children of fortunate familes enjoyed with Music, Drawing or Badminton. In many British childrens, Cricket was a popular sport. Children of age group 13 to 17 years had to register their name to serve the nation. Distribution of clothes, food and shoes is done by the teenagers. Production of new clothes and shoes were completely shutted down during that time.*Reading, writing and library*
The only common thing between two countries was -Library. Though children couldn't study but they used to visit library during the free time. The remote villages of the cpuntry was used either as hospital or as a place to strengthen their arms and ammunitions. People gathered in big numbers to listen to news on radio which came four times throughout the day. Mostly news were regarding the war. If the news sounded positive for their country, people gathered in streets and danced out of joy.
*New Parents*
This is the most painful aspect of the World War II. When the war ended, 30% of the people became homeless. For days after the war ended, orphan children and old age people could be seen in distant villages. Children had to live with new parents, brother-sister separated. Neither of the sibling would be knowing to whom his sibling has been given. Imagine spending six years together during the toughest times of life and then you depart when the time was just about to get good. A child 12 years old is told to spend rest of his life with this new parents. How he would be from within. Shattered! There were some organization who worked in helping these people find their siblings and parents. The trend of such meetings were found to be in existence till the end of 20th century. Since then computer took over the world and internet helped them in meeting their blood relatives again even after 50 years.
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