Catalytic Words - Providing the Positivity
It's 19th March, 2012. A boy of 15 who belongs to middle
class family, studying in government school is heading towards his 10th
board examination center for the final time. It was Gujarati paper on
that day. And after that, there seems nothing except freedom. Freedom
that every child wishes to have just because for the first time in life,
they have been placed under pressure i.e. so called Exam Stress. They
have been through so many challenges throughout the year regarding their
studies to get the dream result in their board examination. So does he.
He worked so hard for his board exams and finally when the results were
declared, he emerges out as a Champion. He stood out as a School Topper
and finally had the reward that he deserved for all his hard work.
Let's check the inside story of that boy who was just of 15. Inside
story is neither related to the amount of hard work he did for the board
exams nor related to any formula that how to be a topper of the

It's 14th
April, 2012. When he returned back to Rajkot his home from Nagpur. He
along with his family paid a visit to Nagpur as his granny passed away
during his board exams. So for last one paper, he was all alone at his
home and there was no moral support as all his family members went to
Nagpur due to demise of his granny. But yeah it's fine. That's life...

later when he returned from Nagpur, he found that one of his friend who
was in the same class 10th with him, was seeking for a job. He also
started looking for a job. Hey! Are you kidding? No I'm not. He was
actually seeking for a job. Every kid has some dreams and aspirations
that how they gonna spend their class 10th summer vacation. They will
rest a lot, they will travel a lot. They will live all the leisure of
life. But here the story of this boy was going on some different track.
He went to D-Mart not to buy anything but to ask for a job. It was so
obvious that none of the firm will give any kind of responsible work to a
kid. So that work gonna be distasteful obviously.

he went to D-mart, he was called inside a chamber for an interview. He
went there sat on the chair in front of manager. And he asked him few
basic questions like what's your name, what's your age, what
qualifications do you have. When the boy replied that his age is 15 and
he recently appeared in board exams, manager was all blank and stayed
silent for a while. Then he said, "Sorry we cannot hire you as you are
too young to do a job, so go home and focus on your studies". He
requested the manager to allot him some work as he was firm to do
anything. But at the end, his age was just 15. Later, without any sort
of pleadings further, he went back to home riding his bicycle.
The next day he found that his friend who is also seeking a job was working at Big Bazzar. He asked him to join as he also wanted to work. His friend called him up, talked with the manager and all and they agreed at the end. They asked the boy to join from 16th April, 2012. And told that his working hours will be 12 hours, 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM and Salary will be 5000/- per month without any holiday. He with many aims and dreams in his eyes, was all set to go...
16th April, 2012. As it was his first day, he was called at 9:00 AM before the store opens. He
went there at sharp 9:00 AM with a cap on his head with casual clothes
and bright smile having many questions deep inside they what works he gonna do there. He was allotted a post of housekeeping there. The definition of housekeeping is doing basic cleaning tasks. And yes, he didn't feel any guilt to do that work. He was ready to enjoy the work he is gonna be allotted. So at morning when he went there, his supervisor told him to clean all the front glass doors of the Big Bazzar. He gave him a bucket of water, mop, clothes and a few newspapers. He said okay. I will complete it in a while. Supervisor instructed him to complete within an hour as store soon gonna open.
The next day, he was told to come from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM and that
will be his working hours. He agreed as he is not having any other
choice. It was his class 10th summer vacation and he also desires to
have his own leisure, but he decided to support his family and that's
where he was firm with his mindset. He wants to be a grown up child and
matured as early as possible and so, the kind of work doesn't bother him
ever. He always stays neutral in all circumstances. It's probably the beginning of something big...
So finally he joined and accepted the job. First five
days were casual and he was just getting used to the situations he was
facing. He used to sweep the floors, clean the floors, stand with
cashier and pack the products of customers that they purchased in bags,
sometimes went to warehouse and did some labour work, and many such task
he used to do their without any hesitation. It's hard to cope up
sometimes as they just shout at you when something went wrong just
because of that boy. But yeah it is fair, such thing teaches you many lessons
of life. On 21st April, 2012 when he was busy with some work, he had a
call from his dad. His dad was very angry at him. He already had an
issue with his dad as his dad didn't allow him to do that job. But he
was firm to do and so since last 5 days he was punctual with his timings
and reach at his work at sharp 11:00 AM. His dad scolded him in call and
he just got tears in his eyes. He went to washroom for a while, cried
their in silent. He felt that as he wasn't doing anything wrong their, he
was just working though his dad shouted at him. Dad shouted just
because he couldn't see his 15 year boy working as a housekeeping boy. The
boy called his best mate and asked him that was he doing anything wrong
out there working as housekeeping boy? His Best friend backed him and
told him not to give up. He told him to keep going and said that his dad
soon will understand that how strong you'll be once you just get that
experience from their. So he just felt bit calmed and on that day, he
learned that it's not acceptable to get emotional when you are working
in a professional firm. So he just washed your face and set himself back to the work.

work he liked the most was packing the stuff in carry bags for
customers. That's where he found his time of leisure, chit chats with the
cashier was a good experience. His cashier mate always told him to
focus on his studies once the vacation gets over. Cashier with whom he
used to stay told him that he works for 9 straight hours for 7500/- per
month. And as it's a Mall you don't even look for Sundays. It's like
round a clock duty.
one of toughest phase for him during his work experience was from 28th
to 31st April, 2012. Those were the days when Big Bazzar allotted
discounts on every products to attract many customers. They called it as
Big Day. And they just increased the working hours from 12 hours to
13.5 hours a day. It was a terrible experience for a 15 year boy. But as
you can't escape from your duty, you just need to stick to your work no
matter how hard it is. So that boy carried on with his work with a firm
mindset. He was used to with the conditions now so there's nothing new
for him. On 1st May, 2012 when that phase of Big Day was over,
supervisor of housekeeping department allotted them to take off all the
banners hanged in the entire mall for the occasion of Big Day. So he and
his friend were given a long steel foldable ladder and they both were
off the mark. It took nearly 4 hours to complete the task and after
that, they both seems completely exhausted. But still when boy looked at
his wrist watch, it showed 8 o'clock. So it means that its still 3
hours before he can get back to home. Ah! Not fair...
most monotonous though pleasing moment of the day was the lunch time.
Monotonous just because no near and dear ones around and pleasing
because he gonna get food then. His mom used to pack a tiffin for him at
morning 10:30 when he was about to left for work. So he had that
tiffin at around 2:30 PM. The food wasn't that warm but the taste gets
enhanced because of the hunger you had after doing a lot of hardwork. So
that also taught him the values of the things he had in life.
May, 2012, Sunday. He planned to go out with his family once he gets
return back to home from work . As it was a Sunday, it always been a busy
day at mall during weekends. And he asked his supervisor that he wanted to
go back to home 2 hours early that day. So he requested his supervisor
to allow him to leave at 9:00 PM. His supervisor wasn't interested in
that deal though allowed him to leave. But before that, something worst was waiting for the boy. As it was a Sunday and store was much crowded as
compared to rest other days. At Eatable sections, one customer
unintentionally dropped a Sauce Glass Bottle on the floor and Sauce and
pieces of glass scattered all over the floor. Supervisor of the
housekeeping department called that boy and asked him to clean the floor
as early as possible. It seems weird to carry out such work in presence
of thousands of people. His face turned gloomy but he have to, he
cannot deny on that. Firstly he collected piece of glass which were
scattered all over the floor carefully and dumped it. Then he went to
the warehouse and from there, he took a mop and a bucket of water. As it
was a sauce, it's so dense. So it's difficult to clean it up and that
too on shiny tiles. He just keep on cleaning the floor with his head
down. He didn't mind people looking at him, he just thought that his task was to clean up the floor and that's where he put all his focus. It's
hard to deal with such situations in life, but at the same time such
experience can teach you the best lessons of life.
was a rule out their that, you need to stand all the time during your
working hours. You can check in the mall that they just use to stand all
the time whether customer is there or not. So to take rest, that boy
use to play a trick. At evening he used to go out of the store to collect
all the scattered trolleys that were placed by the customers after
loading their buys into the cars from trolley. So he just went on to
collect them all. So during that time, he used to check the entire
basement area, parking lot, and on the road side too. As he was outside
the store, no eyes were on him, so he just use to sit behind a car for
about 5 minutes and take all the rest of his life within a moment. As
they don't allow you to sit, you need to be smart and play such tricks.
So that's where he use to sit and think about his own life. he thought that one can't
carry on with these kind of bulk of hardwork and getting almost nothing
out if it. So he felt that if he want to hit big in future, he need to
study hard, work hard and need to achieve his all dignities and vanish
out all the family problems. Alarm rang in his ordinary mobile, 5 mins
over. He got up and get inside the store with that collection of
trolley which seems like a toy train.

ended up with his job on 31st May 2012. That was his last day of job at
the age of 15. The job which taught him many things. Money wasn't
proved to be a prime factor then, but that experience does. Once you
pass through such tough phase in life. Nothing can stop you then. Just
because you already had enough motivation within you. You need to look
for various aspects in life and react according to the circumstances of
life. There was a shear need of money and so he worked for that tiny
little penny, which seems to be very less when you count, but it's damn
worthy if you feel so. Every tiny little contribution to your family is
important and that's where he step up to face any challenges of life and
that's where that boy was just turned into Unstoppable.
May,2012 His last moments where touching a bit. At around 11:10 PM when
he used to sign off from his duty. He was walking along with his
bicycle up the ramp from basement to the ground level. When you look at
from the Ground level, the boy and his bicycle emerges out from the
darkness of basement to the faint brightness of the world where his
parents with their eyes full of tears and heart filled with pride just
looking at their boy. Boy with billion dreams in his eyes, chasing them
all. Onwards and Upwards...Cheers for life...!!!

Jai Hind...!!!
Labels: Inspirational Story, Self Development
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