Be Passionate. Passion is the thing that you naturally love to do. It's important to find your passion in life. If you follow your passion, you don't need to work for a day in your entire life. Make your passion your profession. Working on the things that you love is advantageous as you'll never feel monotonous doing that thing throughout the day. You can never ask about your passion to anyone around. It's you who need to find what you love to do. Steve Jobs said " You've got to find what you love..." That speech will always gonna be immortal. You can't find passion by searching "My Passion" on google. You need to do as many task as possible in life and think about what you really love to do without being bored.
Be Aggressive. Aggression is not how much angry you get. Aggression can either lead you to disastrous life or may yield you a productive life. It depends on how you use your aggression. To be aggressive in all the minute little stuffs of the day isn't good. Rather it's worst thing one can do in life. One should not be aggressive all the day. Your aggression is very important tool of life. Use it wisely as it is very precious. As you'll get mature and mature, you'll understand the importance of calmness in life. Later on you'll start to be a less aggressive than before and you can easily get a control over yourself. Use your aggression in your work rather than getting bored or tired. Be aggressive where you must have to be. Don't be aggressive on the tiny little things as if you aren't getting a food from mom on time or not getting a TV remote from your sibling. Grow up...
Be Dedicated. Dedicate your life to your dreams. Dedication is very important factor to achieve something in life. Dedication helps you to contemplate about your dreams throughout the day. It helps you to feel connected to your goals and never let you think that dreams are far from being achieved. It's nothing like that. All the successful persons in the world have started to work on their dreams at some point of time in their life. If you think practically, everyone have their dreams, but not all are successful. Just because all can dream, but few can remain dedicated in their long run journey of struggle.
Be Determined. One must have determination for their goals. Determination always helps you to keep going and going and going, now matter how hard the thing is or how hard the life becomes. Determination always boost you up whenever you feel down at some point of time. Being obsessed to your goals makes you one of the craziest person to achieve your target. And that's the thing one must have with them throughout. Take a resolution that you gonna make it any how. If you have started, them promise yourself to finish the job...
Be Intense. Always be charged up whenever you're doing the job. It's important to be enthusiastic when you're in process. Your intensity may decide your enjoyment level. If you enjoy more by following your passion, you'll automatically feel boosted up and your intensity level will twofold. Your intensity will improvise the quality of your work. If you can do a quality work, then there's no need to look.
Be Hardworking. It is the base of any successful journey. Without working hard, you can achieve nothing in life. To achieve something great in life, you need to work hard at any cost. Nothing is easy in life. Every step is challenging and you must always work hard and fight out. Check out all the successful persons' stories and you'll never find that they got success just by a fluke. They put their heart into their work and that had set an example for the rest many others for years and years. Virat Inspirational Kohli is one such example. You can find all such positive qualities in him that guides towards success and you can easily understand, why he has been so successful in life..
- Keval Karia
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